Welcome Kit created for prototyping the service
NeighborNet is a service design for lonely seniors to connect with their people in their neighborhoods as well as maintain and enhance the face-to-face interaction.

Senior community
My Role and Contribution:
Main contributed in visual parts and UI paper prototype. Designed the Neighbor-Net logo. Participated in brainstorming, user journey mapping, ideation, prototyping and iteration, and writing a report.

At the end of our prototyping, we realized that there could be some users who want to use the service again and found it useful. We also found that users wanted to communicate with each other to ask for clearer information before the event will physically take place. Therefore, it would be better to have obvious contact info provided as well as a chatbox on the app for them. On the other hand, the feedback we received was that we did a usability testing rather than prototyping the service itself. Therefore, we needed to brainstorm again and provide new ideas on how to test the service and not just the app touchpoint.

Focus on the offline aspect of the service and create a way to enable interactions between neighbors, by providing some activities in common. We wanted to create a way for a neighbour to motivate another neighbor to join the service, or “net”, by providing clues, puzzle pieces or tasks that each user would receive in a kit and that only by joining pieces together, information and prizes could be unveiled. The main idea is to entice participation from a motivated neighbour to motivate others to join. But they can only get the prize (vouchers, discounts etc. ) by using each others help as a community.
Live Prototyping Session:
Prototyping is a fundamental part of the process in order to continuously test our ideas, validate our hypothesis or realize that we might need to modify aspects, correct mistakes and take conscious decisions based on the learnings and feedback we receive.
Being in a direct contact with a user that is testing the service in such an early stage provides many insights that can guide us on the changes we need to focus on in order to act fast, made modifications and test again. It is an evolving process and it is a crucial part of the service development. It might have been somewhat hard at the beginning letting go of the initial idea ot to focus too much on just one aspect or touchpoint, but we realized that by seeing the results of the tests, even coming from us as students pretending to be users, can force us to put ourselves in the shoes of the possible user and the interaction they are having with a specific part of the service.
We learned new prototyping techniques that we can now apply and practice with. Even with using basic materials and tools we can create a scenario that functions as the service,and most importantly to iterate and has fast way to learn how to promptly improve and change our service idea.
Alessandro Bernabei
Chanunchida Khantarujee
Laura Esteban
Nimrod Or
Nur Turek
Punpitchaya Sroymano (Jan)
Yu Han Chang
Service Design Pill #3 - Rapid Service Prototyping
Instructor: Marc Garcia Fortuny
Master in Service Design –Poli.Design,
Politecnico di Milano